Honey is the best antibiotic

In the last couple of years, a new scientific discipline is developed - apitherapy, which includes the use of bee products for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Daily use of honey strengthens immunobiologic's ability of organism and his ability to defend against viruses, bacteria and free radicals, three biggest enemies of health. One gram of honey per kilogram of body weight is the optimal daily amount of honey that we need to bring into the body.

Honey as an immunostimulant is irreplaceable natural food. Due to its chemical composition and the ratio of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and simple sugar, honey affects the formation of blood elements in red and white grapes. They have a protective role as they possess the ability of "devouring" the enemy. That's why every day should start with one teaspoon of honey.

Honey is rich in carbohydrates, and mostly in simple sugars - glucose and fructose, which are energy suppliers. Contains many enzymes, almost all vitamins and minerals, essential oils, organic acids which have beneficial effect on the digestive organs and help the absorption of nutrients.

Protects the teeth
Honey can be given to children after they turn one year of age - it is best to start with acacia honey. Honey provides health and vitality, better growth and progress, resistance to infection. Unlike white sugar, honey does not damage the teeth, and keeps calcium and prevents tooth decay. Honey is equally important for students because it provides energy, strengthens the body, improves concentration and memory. It is recommended to the physical and mental workers, increases stamina, regulate heartbeat and blood circulation. It provides energy to the athletes, increases muscle mass and provides superior results. It is very important the use of honey in the third age because it intensifies the exchange of substances in the heart, brain and liver.

Lowers the cholesterol
Regular use of honey significantly raises the level of antioxidants in the body. This activity have all kinds of honey, but mostly buckwheat and sunflower honey. Regular use reduces the risk of diseases caused by oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, cataracts, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies shown that honey reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by seven percent, and increases beneficial HDL cholesterol by two percent.

Prevents infections
Medicinal properties of honey is multiple because honey has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties. It protects the body from bacteria, viruses and free radicals, the three biggest enemies of health. Proper use of honey in optimal amounts for a enough long period well strengthen the defense forces of the organism. 

Acacia honey - it is suitable for patients with digestive disorders, it has calming effect on the whole organism. Can be eaten by children under 3.
Wild flower honey - contains more essential oils and is especially recommended for heart patients, and may help with respiratory diseases.
Linden honey - has an antiseptic effect and is used in influenza, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. It is best consumed with tea from medicinal plants.
Forest honey - contains 13 times more minerals than floral honeys. It is especially rich in iron, and is especially recommended to anemic people.

Tea to boost immunity
Mix one teaspoon of chamomile and one teaspoon of yarrow, cover them with a liter of boiling water, leave for ten minutes, then strain. When cool, add 1/2 tsp honey and drink one cup before each meal. In the first six weeks, gradually increase the amount of honey to a maximum of three teaspoons, and then gradually decrease the amount. Perform this therapy for ten months.

For anemia
For anemia are used dark honey varieties: meadow, field, forest. The best treatment results are obtained by using wild honey, which contains 13 times more minerals than floral ones. Daily therapeutic dose depends on age, severity of anemia, ranging from one to two grams of honey per kilogram of body weight. Honey is dissolved in water, should be taken on an empty stomach with a few drops of lemon. The treatment lasts three to six months.

Beneficial effects of honey
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves circulation
- Strengthens the heart and improves cardiac rhythm
- Improves digestion
- Improves tissue regeneration
- Helps restore blood elements
- Antibacterial
- Improves the removal of toxic substances from the body
- It works against stress
- The most recent findings suggest that honey can be used for diet


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