Good sleep, good day

Sleep is an indispensable need, leading the recovery from the day's events and is one of the important preconditions for sustaining life.

We live in a time when everything is happening too fast, which does not leave enough time for sleep to some people. One should not ignore the increasingly frequent, sometimes quite intense climate change, which in some individuals manifest increased anxiety, distress and consequent insomnia. There are also everyday problems that further provoke and disrupt peaceful sleep, which strengthens and invigorates. Vicious circle is created, the body is exhausted, every day we are experiencing more and more difficult, and when night falls, we can not fall asleep. And if you manage to fall asleep, you wake up too fast. And so, day after day.

The extent of the problem is illustrated by the fact that a third of the world's population suffers from sleep disorder. If we know that the dream is for body indispensable necessity that leads the recovery from daily events and is one of the important preconditions for the maintenance of life, it is easy to conclude that lack of sleep leads to physical exhaustion, difficulty in concentration, slowing reaction, difficult memory and increased irritability. And in long-term perspective, it leads to a weakening of the immune system and increased susceptibility to infection and the development of some diseases.

Sleep disorders and their causes are varied and individual. If it is a serious disorder, it is certainly advisable to consult an expert. However, if the disorder is mild, below are some tips that will facilitate falling asleep and sleeping.

Rhythm of routine
Going to bed and waking up at the same time, including weekends. Avoid napping and sleeping during the day.

Physical Activity
It is useful for sleep, but in the evening can affect cardiovascular and nervous system and disrupt sleep. Therefore before going to bed it is advisable to calm the body and not workout in the evening.

Regular and not too rich dinner, preferably at the same time (not late in the evening), assist alignment biorhythm. In the evening, avoid fried and fatty foods. Ideally have dinner two to three hours before bedtime.

Avoiding stimulants and diuretics
In the evening you should avoid drinking alcohol or beverages with caffeine, green tea, soda, smoking and taking diuretics.

Environmental conditions
Bedroom should be darkened, quiet and fresh ventilated, moderate temperature, and the bed comfortable. Bedroom should be used only for sleeping, not for reading, watching TV or eating food.

Stress and worries negatively affect sleep. Therefore before bedtime relaxing activities are welcome, such as a warm bath two hours before bedtime (relaxes muscles), breathing exercises, reading, etc. At least two hours before bedtime is not advisable to read or watch strained or intellectually demanding activities.

To be more comfortable, an extra pillow between your legs or under the cross can help. In the case of back pain, it will help a large pillow under your feet.

Pen and paper
If something is bothering you, and in the evening you can not do anything, write down your problem and decide to think about it the next day. Do the same if you think of fall good ideas that you might forget by tomorrow.

And finally...
If despite everything still can not sleep, get up out of bed and find another activity (read a book or get up and do some not particularly demanding work), rather than staying in bed and unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. This will minimize the anxiety and increase the chances that the next 30 to 90 minutes you feel sleepy.


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